1. Species? Fairy
2. Gender? Female
3. Hair, fur, scales or skin color? Very long Light pink hair,
4. Tattoos, piercings, scars, horns? tail? wings? other anomalies? Fair wings
5. Eyes? How many, what color? Normal eyes but purple
6. Head shape? Small, narrow
7. Ear shape? Pointy/ elf-like
8. Teeth? What kind? Normal
9. General size? 8 inches
10. Style? Trendy/edgy
11. Opacity?
12. Skeletal structure? Human like but tiny
1. Full name? Poppy Moonbug
2. Age? 258 years old
3. Zodiac Sign? Aires
4. 3 fears? Abandonment, chickens and Maroon 5
5. 3 things they love? Honey, bubbles and dragonflies
6. 4 turn ons? Humor, intelligence, adventure
7. 4 turn offs? Bad breath, narcissism and if they are too chatty
8. Best friend? Samantha Driscoll (garden gnome)
9. Sexual orientation? Bisexual
10. Favorite color? Pink
11. Current obsession? Bubbles
12. Favorite quote? “I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”
13. Favorite place? Sitting under the shade of a flower
14. Favorite music? EDM
15. Daily routine? Wakes up, flies to different windows to listen to gossip, hangs with her friends at the local pond and bakes goods for them, listens to music and flies around on her dragon fly. She practices meditation especially when she is under stress. She enjoys finger painting as well.
16. Favorite Food? Donuts
17. Someone they love? The old lady who owns the local bakery in town
18. Someone they hate? Adam Levine
19. Current relationship status? Single
20. Relationship with their parents? They were close, but they are no longer living
21. Children? No
22. Favorite season? Summer
23. Good or Evil? Both
24. What they did during quarantine? Went viral on Tik Tok
25. Their main addiction? coffee
26. Their profession? none
27. Their education? Went to basic fairy school
28. Where they grew up? Goblin Forest, New Zealand
29. Best 2 personality traits? Clever, imaginative
30. 2 worst personality traits? Mischievous, snide
31. Religion? Atheist
32. Their pet(s)? Dragonfly, also mode of transportation
33. Their weapon of choice? Poison
34. Their mission or purpose for existing? To pass her fairy gem onto a mortal soul she can trust.
35. Their kryptonite? She doesn’t trust others
Poppy Moonbug is a 258 year old fairy from the Goblin Forest in New Zealand. She was born April 5, 1763. Unlike most fairies, Poppy was given a magical gem that gives her immortal powers. Her mission in life is to pass this gem onto another soul, but the issue is Poppy has major trust issues. She is clever and imaginative, but she is also mischievous and snide, so she doesn't always get on everyone's good side. Poppy has a spunky personality and loves listening to EDM music. She has light pink long hair and skin that sparkles like the vampires from Twilight. Her wings are purple and when she feels too lazy to fly, her transportation method is her dragonfly friend, Murray. Every morning Poppy visits the local bakery owned by a sweet old lady who she adores. Poppy enjoys baking and learns from watching the old woman bake. While she is at the bakery, Poppy also enjoys listening to gossip so she can share with her forest friends. One thing Poppy hates is the band Maroon 5, especially Adam Levine. If you try playing M5 in front of her, she will scream in rage. Her best friend's name is Samantha Drescoll and she is a garden gnome. Poppy also runs a cooking Tik Tok page that has gained lots of popularity. She is known for making sweet treats and even Martha Stewart commented on one of her videos!
She is hoping that Tik Tok will bring her to the soul she will someday pass her gem down to.
"origin": [ "Today i am eating a #flavor# donut. #rank#🍩. I also saw #celebrity# eating a #flavor# donut. #exclamation# "],
"flavor" : ["Chocolate", "Strawberry", "Glazed", "", "Cinnamon Sugar ", "Sprinkled", "Vanilla"], "rank" : ["9/10", "10/10", "0/10", "", "-2/10 ", "5/10", "7/10"], "exclamation" :["OMG!", "Holy shit!", "Wow.", "Gross!", "Damn.", "wtf."], "celebrity" :["Harry Styles", "Trump", "Lady Gaga", "Jojo Siwa", "James Charles", "Betty White", "Elmo", "Logan Paul", "Obama"]