My inspiration for my final project comes from Tony Oursler, Nikki S. Lee and Cindy Sherman. I want to do a series of projections on balloons floating in my room. Or the illusion of floating because I need to make sure the projector aligns with them. I am going to dress up as 4 different characters and give them a dialogue. One character will be a sloppy drunk, one will be a pessimistic goth individual, the third character with be a ditzy-bubble-gum-smacking girlie girl and lastly I think I will include a hippie like character. These videos will be projected on the balloons as if they are having conversations with each other but also not really making any sense. I want my art to tell the story of different people coming together, it might not be for any purpose we can see but I believe people are placed together for a reason.
I plan to do this project on Madmapper